2019 VCAA Further Mathematics Exam 1 Solutions
2019 VCAA Further Mathematics Exam 1 Solutions – PDF 60 KB
Thanks to Linda Harland of Haileybury College for the following suggestions:
Recursion and financial modelling:
Q23 Use finance solver
N=1, I=7.5, PV=995.49, Pmt=?, FV=0, P/Y=12, C/Y=12
Q24 Use finance solver to find interest rate of 3.6
N=12, I=?, PV=-20000, Pmt=0, FV=20732, P/Y=12, C/Y=12
Then use interest conversion eff(3.6,12) to get 3.66.
Q8 0.48 x s=12, so s=25, to maintain the same number, 0.2 x m=12, so m=60
Total of 85
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